Monday 16 July 2012

I am who I am

I haven't posted anything for   a few days. That's not a bad thing. There is no pressure here for me to have to do any writing. I write as I feel, so to you it may seem sporadic, but to me it's ok. What is important is that I do post eventually, and so, here I am

I am not sure what to write about today. Nothing amazing or earth shattering has happened. I am cruising along nicely, thank you, and enjoying being who I am while I am doing it.

No, I haven't suddenly become perfect in all I do. Far from it. I look around my home, and stuff just seems to loom in every corner. Mostly it's not my fault. It is because the lovely person who built my home didn't put much storage in it, and I don't earn alot of money at present, so lots of what I have is shelf and brick storage, which works ok, but doesn't look too tidy.

However, I know now that it's not about what I can or can't do as a person that makes me appreciate who I am. It's not about how others see me, but how I see myself. I can see me, warts and all (actually I don't have warts, wrinkles may be a better word), and I am content with that. Arriving here has been a journey, and I have made it.

I have learned that I don't need to worry about what anyone else thinks of me. It is none of my business what anyone thinks of me. It is their business, and I am content to have it so. 

It's none of my business
what you think of me
unless, of course,
your choose to share
your thoughts with me.

I am mature enough
to take them on board
think about them
and make
my own choice
about how to respond

I may agree
and decide to act
on your words
or I may choose
to feel
that I don't need
to make changes.
I know who I am
I like who I am
and it is up to you
to accept that that
is the way
it is.

I will thank you
for caring
enough about me
that you want to
share your thoughts 
with me.

I am who I am
and you need to accept
that is the way
it is.
(FEB 2010)

Sometimes I say this to myself, when I am in one of those situations where I feel as though I am not good enough. Nothing is said, but you know those times I mean. I have to remind myself that it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, I just need to be me and get on with it. If they choose to share their thoughts about me, I can use that to make me a better person, or I can leave it behind and walk away. But it is up to me, not them. And that makes me feel so free! Free to be me, and free to be the person I want to be.

So, I hope you find the freedom that comes from not caring what anyone else thinks about you. It is not your business, so forget it, enjoy the day, and love who you are.

Blessings to you.

Grace alone.



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